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Man enjoys smoking a cigar and holds a glass of rum

EchtWerk – Genuss trifft Handwerk

For those who love authenticity and want to rediscover enjoyment.

Experience a journey of discovery to finest craftsmanship and true enjoyment

In an age where the digital world dominates everyday life, we long for the real, the tangible. EchtWerk is more than just an event – it’s a return to the essentials, a journey of discovery into finest craftsmanship and true enjoyment.

Dive into a world where finest craftsmanship and true enjoyment merge. Experience how Stammdesign turns wood into stories, while a Michelin-starred chef transforms exquisite ingredients into small works of art.

Accompanying you, our experience designer will guide you through the fascinating craftsmanship of the world’s finest wines, spirits, and cigars, which connect craftsmanship, nature, and flavor.

EchtWerk is for those who appreciate the real, the authentic, and yearn for an evening full of stories, passion, and exciting encounters. Quality, centuries-old tradition, and the fine touch of handmade craftsmanship are at the heart of the experience. EchtWerk brings the art of the analog to life – a sensual experience for all those who love authenticity and want to rediscover enjoyment.

Hand with a white glove holds a cigar, cigar box in the background

The important things at a glance

Key facts
  • Location: Betriebspark 13, 5166 Perwang am Grabensee, Austria

  • Costs include catering

Registration & Dates

17:30 o’clock 15 free seats
€250.00per person
Book now
Mann im roten Anzug hält eine Zigarre und riecht an einem Glas Rum
Edle Zigarrenschachtel mit erlesenen Zigarren von Meerapfel
Mann im Anzug zieht genüsslich an einer Zigarre
Mann wählt eine Zigarre aus einem großen, edlen Zigarrensortiment aus
Mann zieht an einer Zigarre und hält ein Glas Rum in der Hand
Hand mit weißem Handschuh hält Zigarre, Zigarrenschachtel im Hintergrund
Hand hält eine glimmende Zigarre
Mann im roten Anzug präsentiert eine Zigarre
Hand mit weißem Handschuh präsentiert eine Zigarre von Meerapfel